Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Preparing the Kitty for Moving

One of our clients is soon to be moving with their cat. They asked me for advice about what they should do to prepare their kitty for the move and what type of cat carrier I would recommend for a cat who is not fond of travel. So, along with a link to the ASPCA's Car Travel Tips, this is what I suggested.

I would highly recommend a carrier that has a top door and to get one bigger than what the cat needs so there is space to move around. Have the carrier out in the house and open for a few days (weeks if possible) before the move. That way when the day of the trip arrives, the kitty won't run and hide as soon as it comes out. The reason for leaving it open is so that kitty can leisurely investigate it. Put some treats or food in there so there will be a nice yummy surprise which will give the carrier positive association. Also, put comfy blankets or a kitty bed that the kitty already uses in there. That way it smells like the kitty and it is available for a nap which will add more positive association with the carrier. 

During the time the carrier is just sitting out, check it frequently to make sure kitty hasn't left any "presents" in it. If there is pee or poop in it, clean all of the smell out of it. (Most cats won't, this is just a precaution.) 

On the day of the move, the kitty will sense the nervous anxiety that moving often brings with it. Try to stay as calm and upbeat as possible with kitty. If kitty likes to play, I suggest playing with kitty for as long as possible before the kitty goes in the carrier. A tired kitty will always be easier to move. Doing it the day of the move may not be possible, but even a good play session the evening before will be helpful.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

What kind of cat carrier is that my email is BR ADL ER 451@hotmail.com