Wednesday, August 15, 2012

We called him the Doggy Buddha

On Monday, August 6th, we had our dog Socko euthanized. His liver had failed, both his liver and his spleen were swollen, he had a cancerous mass and he hadn't been able to keep any food down for almost a week. It was a heartbreaking decision, but it was the best we could make. 
This is my personal tribute to his memory.

Socko, just chillin'

"Whoa! What's that noise?"
Socko was a peace loving soul who got along with EVERYBODY. Humans, other dogs, cats, our now deceased guinea pig, even that skunk he tried to make friends with... (okay, that last one didn't work out so well.) People who don't normally like dogs, liked Socko.

Whenever we had foster kittens, he would watch over them, whine if they were doing something they probably shouldn't and patiently wait for them to approach him. Even when they were all puffed up and spitting and hissing and jumping at him sideways, he would sigh and just watch them. When they got comfortable enough to approach him, he was so gentle with them. Every so often, a kitten would jump at his tail; he had a white tip on a mostly black tail that looped up and it was like a kitty toy when he wagged it. Startled, he'd flip around to see what was going on, but that would be it.

Playing "your so pretty!" with Socko
He was the Doggy Buddha who would sometimes try to get in the middle of a hug, get upset if our goofing off hinted of violence and whine when the cats had the crazies. He was the Doggy Butler who would clean up any food spills, but only once stole food off an unattended plate. (He did try to get into the cats food, but was very good about leaving it alone.) He was Mr. Snuggles who sometimes wished he was small enough to be a lap dog. He loved to just lounge about with us inside, play fetch with his manky toys, go for long walks and make new friends. I will miss you more than I even know Socko!

Socko, disguised as a cat!

Socko all curled up!


Judy said...

Great tribute to a wonderful companion who will always be in your heart. So sorry for your loss but how awesome that he shared his life with you.

Diane Novak said...

Glad you shared this. I never met Socko but this makes him 3-dimensional. He really was a wonderful gentle guy. So sweet with the kittens too. These are the things you'll remember forever!