Thursday, April 12, 2012

Happy-Go-Lucky Buckley

Buckley - watching ducks
"Spaniels were bred to run in front of hunters and flush (scare) the birds into flight... the spaniel bounces gleefully about, looking for quarry." ~ Paws to Consider

There, just under the foliage, something moves. A squirrel, a bunny, some little birds or maybe even one of those ducks. My carefree bounding along sniffing the bushes and trees stops as I crouch low, step slow and with an explosion of prowess, I leap into action! Rushing forward I... 
am stopped by my leash. 

Silly human! Doesn't she know that I am a Mighty Hunter?
When I first got Buckley on my route, I have to admit, I was a wee bit nervous. Both of my younger sisters have had bad encounters with two different Cocker Spaniels. Having done a lot of breed research, I found that this is common since Cockers have been over bred and poorly bred. Unfortunately, this is what happens with so many people wanting them because when they're good, they're very social, eager to please and adorable. Add to this, I was warned that Buckley can be a bit wary of strangers. So before I went into the house, I braced myself for a less than friendly welcome and a pup I'd have to win over.

Buckley - Cocker Spaniel
As I stepped through the door, the pup that came trotting over to me was wagging his tail so hard, his whole butt wiggled! He nuzzled the hand I held out to him and, within a few seconds, was giving me kisses and rolling over for belly rubs! He was not the least bit wary of me.

From moment one, Buckley decided we'd be best friends. Our walks are always adventures in sniffing and fascination with wildlife. This works out well that there's a pond we walk around where many birds, including ducks, hang out and entice Buckley. But I tend to distract him with playing and jogging. Just the other day, it wasn't until the second time around the pond that he noticed two sleeping ducks just off the path. And boy, did he wish he could fly then!
His mom wants him to pull less, which will be a challenge. But hey, what's life without a little challenge? Plus, he's food motivated, so that will be helpful.

Buckley watching the birds outside

When we get home, after his treat, I sit on the floor next to the coffee table to write in his diary and let him decide what he wants to do.

If he's still feeling frisky, he'll bring me a toy and we'll have a rousing game of fetch. Though not too rousing since the vase incident...
Buckley was running and slid into a table. As the vase fell, I felt like time sloooooooowed and my movement to reach it was molasses with an accompanying languorous shout of, "Nooooooooooo!" But it broke. Oops! (His mom was so  understanding. She is awesome!) Plus, nobody got hurt and there was no glass in his fur or paw pads. Phew!

If he's all tuckered out, he'll curl up next to me, lay on his back for belly rubs and I'll give him scritches all over. He even fell asleep half in my lap once. That was a tough day to get up and leave. I didn't want to disturb him!

When it is time for me to leave, he walks me to the door. At first, I was concerned that he would try to get out, but he never does. He just walks me over, lets me give him one last pet, then heads back to the main part of the house. He's a perfect little gentleman.

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