Tuesday, November 22, 2011


Yoshi & Link - double the mayhem!
We have foster kittens again! At first, it was just one little guy who needed a foster family, But he needed a friend. So when two more just 3 week olds came in, they joined our happy clan. Then their brother and sister were brought in too. Well, we needed to keep the family together... So now we have five itty bitty adorable almost 4 week old fosterlings in need of socializing and growing. 

And we've got the socializing down! From the beginning, all but the solo guy would hide when anyone came into the room. Now they come running, even the girl, who was the shyest. They crawl all over us when we lay on the bed and, when we're standing, they climb our pants legs. Link, the singleton, has made it all the way to my shoulder. As far as the growing goes, that just takes time.

Zelda - who me, trouble?
But then... poo-splosion!!

At first, it was some liquidy poo in the litterbox. I note it and plan to pick up some Forti Flora then next time I'm at the shelter. The next time I'm in the room, not two hours later, there are little puddingy poo bombs all over the room! I clean and clean and clean... I wish I could go get the meds right away, but the shelter's closed so it'll have to be the next day. I clean some more in the morning before I leave to walk dogs. While I'm gone, my mate and fellow foster mom who just so happens to have the day off, sends me the following text:

< I cleaned up a ton of baby poo, went to throw away the paper towels and the little &*#%s had pooped right by the door again during that thirty seconds. >

Luigi, call me Mr. Tiny Lots-O-Poo!
She was also dealing with our Old Homeless guy's incontinence. (He had a few pee-splosions!)

"Oh dear," I think. Slightly worried that she's going to be upset and not want to foster anymore. But then I get this text:

< I forgive them for that and playing vandal horde at the door, they're climbing on me with shit paws and purring. >

I shouldn't have worried... She's just as big a sucker, I mean gentle heart, as I am.

Mario rollin' around & sticking out his tiny tongue!

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